Germinate - significado y definición. Qué es Germinate
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Qué (quién) es Germinate - definición

Germinate; Germination rate; Germinating; Seed germination; Germinated; Germination of seeds; Pollen germination; Spore germination; Germinates
  • 3D-visualization of ''Aspergillus niger'' spore germination. This image has been captured using [[holotomography]] microscopy.
  • Time-lapse video of mung bean seeds germinating
  • Germination of [[seedlings]] raised from [[seeds]] of [[eucalyptus]] after three days of [[sowing]]
  • Germination glass (glass sprouter jar) with a plastic [[sieve]]-lid
  • The stages of germination of a pea plant: A. seed coat, B. radicle, C. primary root, D. secondary root, E. cotyledon, F. plumule, G. leaf, H. tap root
  • Sunflower time lapse with soil. cross section, showing how the roots and the upper part of the plant grow

(germinates, germinating, germinated)
If a seed germinates or if it is germinated, it starts to grow.
Some seed varieties germinate fast, so check every day or so...
First, the researchers germinated the seeds.
VERB: V, V n
The poor germination of your seed could be because the soil was too cold.
N-UNCOUNT: usu with supp
If an idea, plan, or feeling germinates, it comes into existence and begins to develop.
He wrote to Eliot about a 'big book' that was germinating in his mind.
VERB: V, also V into n
v. n.
Sprout, shoot, vegetate, bud, push, pullulate, put forth, burst forth, spring up, begin to vegetate.
¦ verb (of a seed or spore) begin to grow and put out shoots after a period of dormancy.
germination noun
germinative adjective
germinator noun
C16 (earlier (ME) as germination): from L. germinat-, germinare 'sprout forth, bud', from germen, germin- 'sprout, seed'.



Germination is the process by which an organism grows from a seed or spore. The term is applied to the sprouting of a seedling from a seed of an angiosperm or gymnosperm, the growth of a sporeling from a spore, such as the spores of fungi, ferns, bacteria, and the growth of the pollen tube from the pollen grain of a seed plant.

Ejemplos de pronunciación para Germinate
1. They let it germinate.
Proof - The Science of Booze _ Adam Rogers _ Talks at Google
2. they germinate and grow,
3. they can germinate.
Something to Chew On _ Mike Gibney _ Talks at Google
4. Germinate and succeed.
Suzanne Simard _ Finding the Mother Tree _ Talks at Google
5. but let that germinate.
Surviving Auschwitz Mengele's Twin Torture _ Eva Kor _ Talks at Google
Ejemplos de uso de Germinate
1. Many native plants actually need fires to germinate.
2. Senior officers tend to be sensitive when their subordinates germinate ideas.
3. Perhaps it could have been given the strength to germinate a new genre.
4. Exotic weed–like grasses that germinate quickly can fill in areas faster than natives can recover.
5. Equally, a warm spring will see farmers‘ crops start to germinate earlier.